Friday, 23 November 2012

Larimar & Turquoise Jewellery

Larimar is a rare form of Blue Pectolite which is renowned for its unique colour and markings.  Popular for use in semi precious jewellery, it’s a magnificent gemstone which is pretty rare due to there being very little rough material left to mine.  Found exclusively in the Dominican Republic, the most valuable mining area is Los Chupaderos, approximately ten kilometres south west of the city of Barahona.

Also known as Atlantis stone because of the belief that the Dominican Republic was once a part of the lost continent of Atlantis, Larimar closely resembles the natural colours of the Caribbean Sea.  In crystal healing it is known as the Dolphin Stone and is believed to be able to increase communication with sea creatures.  There are many metaphysical and spiritual properties associated with Larimar and its unique colours are associated with peace, serenity and love.

Stone Mania the UK’s leading online retailer of hand crafted pendant necklaces and chunky gemstone rings boasts a magnificent collection of finest grade Larimar mounted as gemstone pendants in fine sterling silver.  This rare and fascinatingly translucent gemstone is highly sought after and for ladies who love gemstone jewellery, a Larimar pendant would make a very special gift.

Although the two are very different, Larimar is sometimes mistaken for Turquoise, one of the world’s oldest semi precious stones.  Known to have been used as far back as 6000 years BC, the colour of Turquoise can vary quite significantly and it is often identified from its dark brown coloured matrix or veins.   Despite its age, it is still one of the most popular gemstones for use in women’s jewellery but sadly it is also one of the most common to be imitated.  Surprisingly the practice of copying semi precious stones is known to date back to at least Ancient Egypt.  Man has always been and still is obsessed with imitating anything of value whether it be a Turquoise gemstone or a Gucci handbag, if it can be copied convincingly, it will be in great demand.

With regards to ladies jewellery, Turquoise pendants, big chunky Gemstone Rings and Turquoise earrings are always popular and sterling silver jewellery is much more affordable than gemstone jewellery which has been mounted in gold. Sleeping Beauty Turquoise from the Sleeping Beauty Mountain in Globe, Arizona is highly sought after due to its pure blue colour and the fact that it will often lack any matrix.  Although Turquoise can be found in a number of locations worldwide, some of the most important producers include south west USA, China, Afghanistan and Iran.

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