Thursday, 13 December 2012

Information on Rose Quartz

Finding really accurate information online on Rose Quartz or any of the other semi precious stones can be quite difficult and what is available can also be somewhat misleading.  Most online businesses who have anything to do with semi precious stones will write about them either on their own website or in other articles for use elsewhere on the internet and because of the amount of information that is available now days online, this is where most of the research is done.  The problem however is that not all of the information is accurate and as it gets rewritten over and over again, like Chinese whispers, more of the facts become lost and more of the same inaccurate content spreads across the internet like wild fire.

Whilst doing research recently for an article that I wanted to write on Rose Quartz, there was certainly no shortage of reading material available online however so much of it was no factual and the same information was on so many different websites with the worst offenders being those selling ladies jewellery and also anything to do with crystal healing.  Admittedly my business is ladies jewellery and my main focus is on silver jewellery featuring semi precious stones and as part of my website, I have a gemstone directory in which I write about the various semi precious stones that I have in my collection including Rose Quartz, but I am and always have been, a stickler for facts and try to check everything that I write to ensure that it’s correct and that I write in my own words so it’s not the same content that you can find over and over again on so many websites.

When you search for Rose Quartz online, the first thing you’re bombarded with is endless pages of ladies jewellery featuring this popular pink Gemstone Rings, so in order to find something interesting to read you have to use specific search terms such as facts, origins, mining and history but the problem with words like these, is they’re popular search terms hence they’re also “keywords” which are used extensively by online businesses to attract traffic to their website.  As result trying to find something fresh and unique that’s also factual on Rose Quartz is a real task and what you mostly come across are pages that have been written by people who sadly in far too many cases, haven’t done their research properly hence their information is not only inaccurate, but it’s also the same as what everyone else has. Persevere and you will find accurate and interesting articles to read but some will almost certainly be difficult to understand unless you have a good knowledge of gemmology or mineralogy.

So how can you learn about gemstones such as Rose Quartz and be assured that what you’re reading has been written by someone with expert knowledge and who really knows what they’re talking about whilst also keeping it easy to understand and most importantly interesting?

Whilst a book would be my first suggestion, finding something suitable may not be that easy.  I have spent many a rainy day in book shops around the world and most of what I have found either relates to crystal healing or talks in depth about mineralogy and then the reading can be quite heavy going.  Alternatively magazines often provide interesting articles and maybe think about going to some rock and gem fairs of which there are plenty and speak directly with others who share your interest.

The aim of the gemstone directory on my own website and also with the articles that I write on Rose Quartz and many of the other semi precious stones, is to write easy to understand and interesting information that is as factual as it can possibly be and I make a huge effort to try and avoid using the same material which can be found on so many websites right across the internet.


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